ABC Retro Program



ABC's Retro Program:

Dedicated Services ✓ 

Unparalleled Resources ✓ 

Incredible Returns ✓

Retro Program Page Crossed arms guy

ABC Retro has averaged a 34% refund over the past 5 plan-years!

We work hard to not only earn our members a high refund the first year, but to increase that refund throughout the 3-year window that refunds are paid out. 

Refunds are Performance-Based

75% of the refund is distributed based on your claim costs compared to other Retro members; the lower your claim costs, the higher your refund.  25% of the refund is distributed on a pro rata basis.

Refund Adjustments:  

Refunds are paid out over 3 years, up to 60% at 1st Adjustment, up to 25% at 2nd Adjustment, and the remaining balance at Third Adjustment.  ABC Retro distributes refund faster than our competitors.

What Members Are Saying

"Aspire Consulting with ABC has taken a complex and confusing system and created an easy, digestible way for companies to get maximum savings and top notch employer representation with workers' compensation claims. They are my trusted business partners and my number one recommendation to any company in need of Third Party Representation and THE pick for Retrospective Rating Groups who want better returns and first class customer service for their participants."

Kelley Cook
HR/Risk Manager


Retro Program Page Website

Retrospective Rating (Retro) is a program offered by L&I to help employers earn refunds on their workers’ compensation premiums.  By participating in ABC’s sponsored program, members receive claim and safety services designed to save time and money, and can earn on average 30% - 40% in refunds.

Benefits of Being an ABC Retro Participant

  • ABC Retro consistently earns High Refunds for our members.
  • We partner with Aspire Consulting to bring you these amazing services and we are their ONLY client. This means you get our undevided attention whenever you need it!
  • Free or discounted safety training.  
  • Safety services that prevent injuries and help members keep valuable employees.
  • Performance based refunds. The better a member performs, the more money they earn. 


  1. Be an ABC association member.
  2. Report more than $25,000 in premium to L&I over the last four quarters.
  3. Provide injured workers with up to 6 weeks of light duty or Kept on Salary.

Find Out if You Are Qualified in Three Easy Steps:

  1. Fill out a release form [INSERT RELEASE FORM LINK]
  2. Send it to [NAME WITH EMAIL LINK]
  3. We will be in touch with your qualification status and next steps within [INSERT PERIOD OF TIME]

Refund History

Retro Program Page Performance Charge

Member Statistics

Retro Program Page Capture

Aspire Consulting - Contractor Satisfaction is Our Top Priority!

Aspire Web
Aspire Consulting is dedicated to helping businesses navigate the workers' compensation system in Washington State. Learn more about how you can work with their experts to lower your costs.


Questions? We can help!

Do you want to learn more about our retro program or ABC membership? We are happy to help you. Just send an email to our Membership Development Manager, Jared Malone

ABC's Retro Program:

Dedicated Services ✓ 

Trustworthy Resources ✓ 

Incredible Returns ✓

Retro Program Page Crossed

ABC Retro has averaged a 34% refund over the past 5 plan-years!

We work hard to not only earn our members a high refund the first year, but to increase that refund throughout the 3-year window that refunds are paid out. 

Refunds are Performance-Based

75% of the refund is distributed based on your claim costs compared to other Retro members; the lower your claim costs, the higher your refund.  25% of the refund is distributed on a pro rata basis.

Refund Adjustments:  

Refunds are paid out over 3 years, up to 60% at 1st Adjustment, up to 25% at 2nd Adjustment, and the remaining balance at Third Adjustment.  ABC Retro distributes refund faster than our competitors.

What Members Are Saying

"Aspire Consulting with ABC has taken a complex and confusing system and created an easy, digestible way for companies to get maximum savings and top notch employer representation with workers' compensation claims. They are my trusted business partners and my number one recommendation to any company in need of Third Party Representation and THE pick for Retrospective Rating Groups who want better returns and first class customer service for their participants."

Kelley Cook
HR/Risk Manager


Retro Program Template

Retrospective Rating (Retro) is a program offered by L&I to help employers earn refunds on their workers’ compensation premiums.  By participating in ABC’s sponsored program, members receive claim and safety services designed to save time and money, and can earn on average 30% - 40% in refunds.

Benefits of Being an ABC Retro Participant

  • ABC Retro consistently earns high refunds for our members.
  • We partner with Aspire Consulting to bring you these amazing services and we are their ONLY client. This means you get our undevided attention whenever you need it!
  • Free or discounted safety training.  
  • Safety services that prevent injuries and help members keep valuable employees.
  • Performance based refunds. The better a member performs, the more money they earn. 


  1. Be an ABC association member.
  2. Report more than $25,000 in premium to L&I over the last four quarters.
  3. Provide injured workers with up to 6 weeks of light duty or Kept on Salary.

Find Out if You Are Qualified in Three Easy Steps:

  1. Reach out to Jared Malone and let him know that you are interested in the program.
  2. Fill out a release form. 
  3. Send the release form back to us. We will be in touch with your qualification status and next steps as quickly as possible.

Refund History

Retro Chart

Member Statistics

Retro Program Capture

Aspire Consulting - Contractor Satisfaction is Our Top Priority!

Aspire Web
Aspire Consulting is dedicated to helping businesses navigate the workers' compensation system in Washington State. Learn more about how you can work with their experts to lower your costs.


Questions? We can help!

Do you want to learn more about our retro program or ABC membership? We are happy to help you. Just send an email to our Membership Development Manager, Jared Malone